New Painting "EVERGREEN"
“evergreen” - 20” x 38”, oil on acm. 2020
I started this painting earlier this year just as the pandemic was hitting and things were beginning to lock down. Thankfully, I had been down in LA a few months before where I was able to collaborate with some excellent filmmakers, Michael Garcia and Ryan Hogue, on a photoshoot with the lovely Alina Lee.
The concept of this painting was a little experimental, as I don’t often add too many elements to paintings that weren’t part of the original reference shoot in some fashion (the room was not that tall, and those curtains were not that…illustrated?). but in combination with the shelter-in-place orders, it became really experimental. working the detail on this one was so therapeutic amidst all the fuckery outside of the studio, I would have preferred to just work on it forever.